Friday, October 22, 2010



I picked up that gem of a word for my cuz Heidi over at Playground Diva. She needs some bloggie lovin. Go check her out.

I've been having a problem recently and it's something which B has had to finally sit me down and have a serious conversation. This never happens, folks. He is never serious and when he is, he means business. I was in big trouble. Why??

Because I curse like a Sailor. I could out-swear a drunk frat boy. Well, maybe. I stay away from works I don't like, like the c-word. Ugh. I hate that word.

So we have a kid and our kid is really starting to soak up everything around him, including the things we say. No, he has not dropped any f-bombs but B is convinced that if I keep talking the way I do, an f-bomb will be one of his first words. Unlike a few people I know, I would not be proud of that. In fact, I would be mortified. B does the quick head turn and gives me a "Sarrrahhhh?! Don't say that!" even when Logan is sleeping in the car. That is our first problem. I am very vocal when I drive and I just happen to swear the most while driving. I don't know what it is but people just piss me off and I let lose. Now, I am not so bad that I just go off all Amber style. No, I am not sitting there swearing up a storm in front of Logan. It's not like that. I will be talking about something that upset me during the day and oops out pops a shit hell damn it and B is all over me like a wet blanket. I did not take him that seriously until he finally was thisclose to being mad at me about it. "Sarah, You HAVE to change that. You CANNOT talk like that around Logan!" Okay okay!!!

I am resolving that this is by far my biggest weakness AND sin. B says I can say whatever the eff I want when Logan is not around or is in his room sleeping but honestly, if I shouldn't swear around Logan, why swear at all? When I was in a church group in college, I hardly ever let a bad word cross my lips. Until now, there was no one holding me accountable. Logan is holding me accountable and so his his daddy.

All this to say that I am going to really try to cut back. I may have a slip here and there, but I want to set a better example for myself and for Logan.


Leave some Lovin!