Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Spoke Too Soon

I kid you not. The day I wrote the post about not having any withdrawl symptoms from weaning myself off of my anxiety medicaiton, I started to experience symptoms and ever since then, I have felt like a giant bag of shit. It comes in waves. I feel like I am on a roller coaster while eating a funnal cake and drinking tequilla at the same time. If I don't feel like puking, I am so dizzy my eyes shake. If I'm not dizzy, my stomach is turning over and over. And if you just so happen to speak to me with a tone in your voice I might just rip your head off. This effing sucks people! I feel like today has been the worst so far. I was at work and nearly in tears I was so frustrated from the way I was feeling and I know that it showed in how I was speaking with the residents. I really don't think I should be driving, either, but I have no choice. So stear clear. That is all.

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