Sunday, March 15, 2009

>Productive Pity Party

>Well, since my last post I have settled down and moved on. My job may present moments of fear and shock, but those moments are so few and far between that how I feel about it has not changed. I still love my job.

While most of you were out, especially last night celebrating St. Patty's Day, I was at home, having a Gilmore Girls Marathon after a two hour deep clean of my house. It was nasty. But now, the carpet is shinning it's so clean. B was at work and the dogs and I just bunkered down and had some nice alone time. Sometimes, I love being alone, doing my own thing, not worrying about sharing the remote or eating healthily. However, while I made do with the night, I was a little lonely. We were going on three days of literally having opposite schedules. Sure, we sleep together and that is nice, but last night B told me that he does not like holding me because I wear a hoodie sometimes and it makes him too hot. Opps. Yes, my night attire is boring and sooo not sexy, but our BASEMENT IS FREEZING most of the time. Anyway, I have been missing our time together and B is yet again, gone working. :(

So bored. So tired. So...blah. I want to do something else but my options are limited. Oh well, this pity party is just for me. You don't have to join in if you don't want to.

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