>This is huge and I need everyone to read this. We don't have a lot of time left. Depending on where you live, as of 7pm Mountain Time, this incredible charity will be over. It's called "36 Hours for Kids". ALIC, a local radio station is hosts this charity every year around this time for the Children's Hospital in Denver. It is one of the best in the country. But there are a lot of sick kids there that need our help. Help to heal, help to go to Prom (an event the hospital hosts for the older kids), and many many many other things!!
Today, B and I became Miricle Makers. We are making a monthly donation, most likely for the rest of our lives, to the Children's Hospital. It starts at $15/month=.50 cents per day! You can do a one time donation our do what B and I are doing. Whatever is in your heart.
Call 1-800-458-KIDS
Thank you and please leave a comment letting me know what you do. (even if you don' that is okay)
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