Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Negotiating and Other House Related Info

>Hehe....I left you hanging there and I don't feel bad about it one bit! So here is the update I have and I'll start right where I left off.

Monday afternoon I left for work and had not been there an hour before B called me. He had heard from our realtor. The house is under foreclosure so we were negotiating with a bank. I had heard several suggestions on how long it takes to hear back and it really could have gone either way. We asked to hear back by Wednesday night at the very latest so I was not expecting to hear from our realtor so quickly. I was training an employee at work and had to call B back on a different phone. The first word was that the bank countered and it was $4000 over what we were qualified for. Our realtor instantly argued that we were not qualified for that much and so they called us back, accepting our original offer, but moved the closing date up an entire month. Normally, this would not have been an issue, but we we could not carry rent and a mortgage in May. Whelp, we did some quick math and knew we would be getting a nice tax return this year and even still if our apartment is rented before our lease is up but we are out then we get our money back. Either way, win win. So we said yes but the bank had closed and had to wait until Tuesday morning to hear the good word.

Tuesday morning my stomach was in knots! We had not heard from the realtor yet, I finally called him and he said he still had not heard anything either. So we waited all afternoon and I was at work, so close to throwing up from all the anxiety! B called me around 4pm and the bank had accepted!! So I was giddy all night but we still had to wait for one last word from Fannie Mae and that came this morning. We are officially UNDER CONTRACT!!

This does not mean everything is all said and done. We actually have several things to do between now and March 4th, and most of it happens in the next 10 days. I will continue to share our experience here...we just pray that all goes well with the inspection, etc.

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