Tuesday, June 16, 2009

>Two Weeks

I know I am really not supposed to be showing yet, but look at this! I see a difference. I even waited a few hours after I ate to take the 7 week pic last night and yeah, that is what we have here folks.

I have baby brain now. Because in yesterday's post, I totally meant to tell you that with us taking the dogs to the Evet on Sunday, we had spent over $5oo dollars on the dogs last week. We took them in last week because Tulo (our problem child) had tape worms. And then Butte needed some routine blood work. And then they needed their heart guard (we got the rest of the year for both). And then Tulo also needed a heart worm test (negative). So....this is what having real children is going to be like!

That is all for now. :)

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