Friday, January 23, 2009

>The Proposal

>November 28th, 2007 (the Wednesday after Thanksgiving)

The coolest part of this story took place the day B bought my ring, which was exactly one week prior to his proposal. His brother, Kyle, had also been preparing to propose to Martha and without planning it, they both bought our rings for us on the same day. CRAZY!

I was working at LHS at the time and Wednesday's were early release days and as staff, if there was nothing going on that we were needed for, we could leave early so I had plans to meet B at Sculpture park once leaving school. We planned to have lunch together before I went to my other job later that afternoon.

If there was any indication that my day was going to be any different from other days, it was when my dad told me to tell B "Hi" for him. While I knew that my dad loved B, it was rather out out of character for him to pass on verbal well wishes. I noted it, but did not think anything of it once my day at school began.

When I got to the park, B was there before me but had been walking our dogs around the pond. I saw him coming around the corner. It was a beautiful, cold day. There were no clouds in the sky and the air was crisp. I was wearing gloves and a heavy coat. I could see my breath.

We greeted each other the same way we always did: hug and kiss and an "I love you, how are you?" I offered to lead us around the other side of the pond before we left for lunch. B had other plans. He asked for us to just sit on the bench near by to talk and figure out where we wanted to have lunch.

As I sat down, he did not join me. I looked up at him and quickly realized he was no longer up, but down on one knee, balancing a ring box in his hand while wrangling the dogs as well. It was a sight to see, I'm sure.

My breath was taken away and while I cannot recall the exact words that poured off B's lips, I knew he was asking me to be his wife and I instantly said yes! He took my glove off and slipped the engagement ring on. It was a perfect fit. No resizing needed. I stood up and we hugged and, while I always thought I would be a blubbering fool the day I was proposed to, I couldn't stop laughing and screaming! I am sure the dogs were confused by our hesterics.

We gathered ourselves and decided to go to this hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaruant where I called my mom and she met us. She had to see the ring, of course. Over our meal, I learned how B asked my dad two days prior at Old C's over a couple of beers to take his daughter's hand in marriage. Thank you daddy!

It was a great day, to say the least.

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