Wednesday, March 23, 2011

She's Got Balls

>Thanks to Randalin for the compliment. Apparently it takes balls to post controversial parenting tactics. I disagree. Think about it like this: I'm sharing what works for us just as if someone was going to share a certain recipe with you and say you hate mushrooms or can't have cream and the recipe calls for those items. Well rather than completely ditching the recipe altogether you modify it to make it work for you. I rarely ever follow recipes to a T and almost always substitute something for another thing. That is kind of how parenting is. We are constantly bombarded by what we should or should not be doing, etc, all based on personal morals, values and how we were raised. My parents sheltered my brother and I WAY too much so when Logan gets older we will teach him about certain things, but in no way will I have the kind of hold on him or our other children that my parents did. We're going to modify that. Just like we're not going to spank our kids (which our parents did to us). See? Everyone does things differently. The feed back on that post is ironic because I say I'm not judging you, however you're judging me for posting such a ballsy topic with very specific points. Sure we do things differently. Who cares? Those are the way things work for us and I thought I was pretty clear as to WHY we do things the way we do. Anyway, just needed to address that again.

PS did you catch my two other posts after that about running and losing a mole?......

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