Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello, Twenty Twelve

I cannot begin to express how excited I am for a new year. It's an odd feeling, starting out the last day of the year knowing it will all be behind us, but how different is that day than the rest of the year? I mean, every day we wake up and start something new but there is something fresh, exciting, and unknown about a new year. Twenty Eleven was a tough year, as most of you loyal readers and friends know, which is why I could not wait to shut the front door on it.

I started out this near year by sleeping in. Is there a better way to greet the new year? I think not. I slept in and spent some lazy minutes on the couch holding onto my sweet boys. The sun was shining and without another thought we decided today was a great day for church. Logan and I try to go a few times a month, but rarely does B get to join us due to work. While the service was not exactly what I had been hoping for, I did take away a few things worth noting:

  1. Know where you're going.

  2. Start your journey.

  3. You will arrive at your destination. The universe will conspire to make it happen.

These three points spoke deep inside of me. B and I have many goals we hope to accomplish this year and we are thrilled at the possibilities of meeting those goals. We know where we're going. This is the easy part. Starting that journey, however, is the hard part! B and I are weak in the self-discipline arena and we both have to hold each other accountable to get certain things accomplished. Arriving at the destination, the goal, is what makes starting the journey easier and more exciting.

So this year, I have a few goals, er, resolutions (whatever). With B's help, I know I will achieve these goals.

  1. Make ME happy. I am a people pleaser/do-er. I am always anticipating others' needs and making sure those are met well before mine are and most of the time, mine are left on the side. Rarely are they met when I want them to be met.

  2. Do yoga 3x a week. This is both for my physical and emotional health. I hate running. When I've done yoga in the past I've loved it and there are many benefits for digestive health.

  3. Read The Bible to Logan. I've wanted to read the Bible front to back for many years and want to include Logan in that journey as well.

So, friends, what are you new year resolutions?

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