Friday, January 6, 2012

a little down

Not gonna lie: this week was rough. BUT, we did manage to have a great New Years Day and Wednesday was pretty fun. Otherwise, it was mostly sad and frustrating.

On Monday there was a fetal demise at work. This sort of thing NEVER gets easier. However, I no longer cry. The first time I was at work when this happened, I cried all morning. I was so sad. I know this happens to women everyday but to be that close to it just breaks my heart every time. THEN, yesterday there were THREE more! All 21-23 weekers who were just not ready for the world yet. :(

On Tuesday we found out that Logan's doctor is not accepting his insurance anymore. This is a total bummer. I did some doctor hopping for a few months last year and ended up going back to her. She has been my doc for 12 years and I would not want anyone else taking care of my kiddo. Well, now we have to find a new one. I'm meeting with someone this morning so hopefully it works out. Logan still has a bad diaper rash and seems to be having an upset tummy so I'm glad we're going in.

I also had a little issue at work the same day and really, it was silly. But anytime my integrity is questioned I get really upset. All it came down to was miscommunication, but still, I felt ill over it until we figured out what really happened. Ugh.

So, here's to a great weekend! Today Logan and I are hanging out! The weather has been nice so maybe a trip to the park after our appointment.

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