Friday, January 13, 2012

Every Sunday


I have lived in Colorado my entire life. Never before have the Broncos have so much fame as they do now with Tim Tebow as their Quarterback. I've never been big on football, aside from college ball, and have only ever been to one professional Broncos game in my life. It was Mike Shanahann's last game and nearly -20* outside. I was frozen and hardly enjoyed the game.

B works every Sunday. And on every Sunday I have dressed Logan in his Broncos jersey and sweats. Every Sunday B asks me if I'm going to watch the game and every Sunday I tell him yes, each time with more certainty. So every Sunday since the season started I have dressed Logan in his Broncos jersey and sweatpants. He knows how to say "football" and "touchdown" and throws his arm up for a 1st down. The kid is smart, I'm telling ya. Only a few times have we napped through part of the game. Like last weekend. I napped through the 1st quarter and as soon as Logan was up, I turned the game on. What an incredible game!

Every sunday, I've turned it on without B at my side. And every Sunday I've fallen even more in love with watching the Broncos play. There is something so satisfying about watching the game because I want to, not because I have to. In the beginning, I thought I had to and not only that, but there is nothing else on TV to watch. So for the first few Sundays I'd sigh heavily when I realized that watching football was my only choice and since Logan enjoyed it, what the heck.

But don't start thinking I'm a pro at this, because I'm not. I still don't understand what a drive is (well kinda), or where the heck a two point conversion comes from. What I do know is that I like football, the Broncos and doing something special with my son every Sunday.

The Broncos play tomorrow night, not on Sunday. This Sunday will be different. B will be working, Logan and I will take a nap, and there won't be a Broncos game to turn on. I've grown to love our weekly ritual. It's time to find a new one.

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