>The last few days have been rather crazy. And not really in a good way.
Last Thursday, I was informed that I should get two immunizations for work (by my employer). They were DTAP and Meningitis. I have had both, several years ago, and never had any issues with reactions. DTAP is known to be a sore shot at the site. Redness and slight swelling are almost expected symptoms, as is it with just about any immunization and with these, the shot has a small portion of the live virus in it. So Thursday night I was hurting. I had a shot given in each arm in the upper portion of my tricep muscle. Why it has to go into the muscle, I don't know! But I slept horribly, to say the least.
Friday I was still in training and pretty much grinned and bared it all the way through. I took ibrpofin to keep the soreness at bay but I was in some serious pain. I could hardly concentrate on the important material I was trying to absorb. Now, one thing about me that kind of sucks is that I do not tolerate pain very well and I make sure that everysingleperson knows it. Because I was training with new people I did not say one word about how I was feeling so I saved up all that complaining energy for B. Initially, he gave me the side eye for being such a baby over simple immunizations. Get over yourself, is what I kept seeing come across B's face but he just happens to be the most amazing husband and would never dare say something like that to me. I was already in tears from the pain.
Saturday morning I woke up (from what little sleep I had-sleeping on my arms was impossible) and was in so much pain. The soreness was not going away and up until this point I had paid little attention to how my arms actually looked. I was so focused on the pain I did not even bother to check on the sites. Well I finally did and WOAH! My arms were so swollen and red. The sites were HOT to the touch. I knew that was not good and I felt worse that I had since the first day. Took my temp and had a fever. I cannot even tell you the last time I had a fever! Later, it dawned on me that as mamas we keep an eye on a fever after our babies have immunizations and it was rather ironic to me that I spiked one. All of these symptoms are considered mild side effects to the vacs, things which are not normal, but also not unusual (as that is how the ER doc explained it). Oh yeah, the ER (errr Urgent Care). So I called my supervisor and told her what was going on. She then called our big boss and he asked that I go to the ER or urgent care because something like this would fall under workers comp and I had know I idea how much worse I could get.
(I just want to point out that had this been a reaction to vacs given to me by my PCP and NOT work related I would have just sucked it up at home-I thought urgent care was a bit much but heck, I do what I'm told.)
Saturday around noon I headed to UC with my kindle. I knew it would be a really long wait being that it was Saturday and my priority was like, not one at all. Three hours. All to be told to keep icing and ibprofining it up. Duh. I knew that. Today, my arms are much better. Still a little tender to the touch but not painful. Does this mean I will never be able to receive these vacs again? I have no idea. I have yet to follow up with my PCP. If I find out, I'll let you know.
On top of all this Logan has been sick. Bad cold which we are certain he got at daycare. Pretty normal and nothing we can't handle, although trying to carry a 22 pound child while my arms were in serious pain was no fun at all. He's still not feeling great and I can see three more top teeth inching their way in.
THEN I get sick. I'm sick. Wow. I have not said that since last June. I rarely ever get sick anymore and I am certain that Logan got me sick this time. Ha...blaming it on my child. Great mama here! lol I feel pretty crappy and am doing everything I can to try to keep it at bay. Still have a ton of training and practice going on at work and I really cannot afford to miss any days. So please pray that Logan and I get well soon and that B does not pick up what we've got. Also for motivation to keep the house picked up. We are moving in less than a month and there are two boxes packed. Thats it.