Thursday, April 28, 2011

It happens every time

>So it seems. This is the first time in three years that I have started a new job and 10 days in I'm already sick.  I'm sure that Logan brought something home from daycare and we must be fighting off the same nasties. I remember three years ago when I started my previous job and the second night I had one of the worst sinus infections I'd ever had. I was working the night shift and felt so bad that I called in sick on the second day. Good thing the person who was training me knew how yucky I felt the night before so I knew she didn't think I was faking it (I get very self-conscious about people thinking this about me). Anyway, a week ago my supervisor told me straight up that I would get sick and it would be soon. I tried to scoff that off because B has been sick three times in the last 5 weeks with nasty stuff and both Logan and I have been able to stave it all off. Apparently Logan and I have the same immune system because we're both sick. YUCK! I hate it. I hate head colds and feeling like my balance is off because I can't hear anything. I do feel a little better today and am taking the day to rest and clean the house. Logan is at daycare for a few more hours so I better get going.

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