Thursday, August 22, 2013

behind her name

My grandmother's name was Evelyn but I never knew her as such. Everyone called her Boots, we called her Grandma Boots and only on really serious occasions was she called Evelyn (which I never witnessed). When I was 22 I spent a summer in New Jersey with my aunt, uncle and cousins. I lived next door to them with my Grandma Boots. It was one of the best summers I ever had. I spent my days hanging out with the kids on the beach, at the yacht club, making meals and running errands and then most nights I spent them with Grandma. We played Gin, watched movies, and talked about anything. It was amazing. She passed away almost 6 years ago. I am so glad she was able to meet B a few months before her passing. He knows what an amazing lady she really was.

B and I were engaged a few weeks after she passed away and we always loved talking about our future family and names. When I found out I was pregnant with Logan, I knew that if he was a she, that I wanted to name her Evelyn after my Grandma Boots. B loved the name and it was set. Then Logan was a boy. So we tucked that name away for "next time", fingers crossed. THEN we spent nine months guessing whether or not we were having a boy or girl. Wayyyy deep down I knew she was a girl. I never let myself be too convinced, though, because I'd be lying if I said I would have been a little disappointed.

And here we are. Evelyn Taylor made her debut, girly girl and all! We love her name, but even more who she is named after.

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