Sunday, November 4, 2012

On Sleep and Other Things

Sleep. I'm been pretty lucky to have a kiddo who has always bee a pretty good sleeper. Sure, we've had our challenges now and then and sleep is always worse when Logan is sick or going through a weird phase in his growth.  But I'm lucky enough to get a full nights sleep and if we all went to bed at the same time, I'd easily have 10 hours of solid sleep under my belt. I know that is not so for everyone, even with toddlers who should, ideally, be sleeping through the night by now. But some kids are just different and we're going through a very challenging sleep stage with Logan.

For the last several weeks, Logan has been fighting his naps and the process of going to bed at night with every fiber of his being. At daycare, he has no problem (of course!) but at home, he will fight it until we're both red in the face with frustration and confusion. We try everything by rocking, reading, singing, and saying goodnight to everything in sight. He is aware it's bed time but refuses to stay in bed. Now he needs his closet light on, which is only so he can see his toys better. The most extreem thing he does to get attention is...poop. I know, I did just say that!! But is anyone else's toddler doing this, or has done this? I mean, he will go three times before he's "done" and find new excuses to get out of bed. It takes almost an hour every day to get him ready and staying in bed. Once he's asleep, he stays asleep, but there have been a lot of tears as we try to maintain control, discipline  and care while enforcing the time for going to bed is NOW.

I realize that this is also a critical time in Logan's life in which he is learning how to express himself with words, actions and less than desirable behaviors to get what he wants. It is so easy to give in. But we don't want to set an example that he can have whatever he wants when he wants it. The time change this morning was not actually as bad as I thought it would be. He ended up sleeping almost an hour later than he normally would have (thanks to the darkness!) but has since been super cranky after his nap. We've been cutting an hour off his nap time to help him be more ready for bed by 8pm. So far, no difference, but I'm hoping that adjustment helps us all go to bed happier.

So, any advice veteran mamas??


In other news,

  • my belly has popped this weekend. WOAH!

  • I have done more than 6 loads of laundry today and there are stil 3-4 left to do.

  • B cleaned up the yard yesterday, pruned all our bushes and mowed for the end of the year maintenance--it all looks amazing!

  • I'm obsessed with Smarties and blueberry muffins right now.

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