Thursday, November 8, 2012

Currently...12 weeks


Anticipating...the day my cousin moves out. That sounds bad, but it's not. She's anticipating it too. We are all ready for her to be on her own and continue taking the right steps to starting over.

Buying...some maternity shirts and some new black boots! Let me say this: I hate maternity shirts and hope that I really only need them in the end. They are gigantic and unflattering. I was able to find some nice shirts that were just more flowey and non-maternity. Love those shirts much more!

Needing...a year long nap. I mean really, bears know where it's at with their hibernating business. I have been so tired lately I can barely function into the evening. Been going to bed around 830!

Thinking...about what books to read when school is out for winter break! I have a few new ones on my kindle, only one of which is pregnancy related.

Ignoring...all the political out-roar, both out in public (a car said "RIP America") and on FB. I know most people have been pretty tame, but wow. Some have been downright mean and I'm not going to give those folks the attention they're seeking.

12 wks with Logan, braving a bikini!

How far along? 12wks
Total weight gain/loss: +8.2 pounds
How big is baby?  Size of a plum!
Maternity clothes?  sometimes, still trying to make the belly band work as my work maternity pants are just too big right now.
Sleep: Meh...I have been going to bed really early and while I am exhausted, it still takes me a little while to fall asleep. But then I stay asleep.
Best moment this week: We heard an amazingly strong heartbeat this morning! Right at 170BPM.
Movement: none yet
Food cravings: peanut butter, smarties, pasta, anything with tomatoes
Food aversions: none
Gender: Team GREEN!
Labor Signs: na
Symptoms:  very tired, some round ligament pains here and there.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Stretchmarks? none
How are you feeling? So tired. I know, I keep saying that but seriously, I've been happy and in a pretty good mood most of the time, minus some stress here and there, but very VERY tired.
 What I am looking forward to: DU hockey game on Saturday night with B.
What I miss:  WINE!!
Weekly Wisdom: Going to bed before your child is okay.
Milestones:  Heard a heartbeat! Almost out of the 1st tri!
Pregnancy Moments: So happy that B was with me this morning to hear our baby's heart beating away!

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