Monday, December 27, 2010


>A new year is just days away and I find myself reflecting on how I want next year to be. This year, 2010, was amazing in so many different ways, however, it has also been very challenging. I cannot think of a time in my life when I truly felt depressed. I never imagined I could ever feel so low while being so blessed at the same time. I feel gulity for all the negativity my blog has sucummed to in the last few months which is a clear reflection of my readership. If you're reading, thanks. As I have said before, I love writing for an audiance but I do know that if I was following a blog that was sad and whiny all the time I might not be following much longer.

I have always been a fan of New Years Resolutions, though like most I have a hard time following through on them. So I am going to set myself up here with a list of goals for myself and this blog. I want people to enjoy reading about my life. I had no idea this blog would turn into a full blown baby blog, but that is what happens when you have a baby! Logan is my world and I am so thankful to have him in my life. I would not change a thing for one second. So lets raise our glasses and celebrate this new persepctive on life for 2011! It's going to be a GREAT YEAR!!!

  1. Smile no matter what.
  2. Think positivily, write positivly.
  3. Think about others too, not just my family (I find myself forgetting to do this, and I'm getting my ass kicked for it).
  4. RELAX!
  5. Run twice a week.
  7. Read the Bible.
  8. Figure out what I'm supposed to do career-wise (just in case I don't get into the teaching program).
  9. Be the best mommy I can be to Logan.
  10. Be the best wife I can be to B.
  11. Ignore the small stuff.
  12. Be more graceful while still being assertive.
  13. RELAX!
  14. Appreciate EVERYTHING in my life.
  15. Hug a non-family member everyday.
  16. Find something I enjoy doing alone (other than writing)
This list is a continous work in progress and one thing I have learned over the last few months or so is that I am wound so damb tight I need to effing relax! As you see I put it on my list a few times, just so I don't forget. Have you seen Black Swan yet? Wellllllll Nina is an incredible dancer and embodies the White Swan perfectly, but she won't let herself relax and be a little bit crazy to embody the Black Swans character. I need to let lose! The movie was empowering (for me anyway) and made me really realize that I need to figure out what my passion is and to RELAX!!! So anway, I hope you'll follow me into the new year. Lots of great things await us.

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