Monday, August 6, 2012

the last week

I have missed out on a few link ups last week and this due to my incapacitated state. Thank goodness my husband is not into taking photos of everything, including how terrible I look while sick and horizontal for 5 days straight. Last Tuesday I woke up just fine and by the evening I was certain a cold was coming on. At first, I was hoping it was just some post-concert-yelling sore throat that needed another day to heal. You know Dashboard? Then you know you sing along to every song. I did that.

For the next 4 days I called into work and slept for hours, barely eating and started a much-needed marathon of One Tree Hill. Thank goodness for Netflix. Without it, this sick lady would have been so terribly bored. So what was going on? I had no clue. It was, at first thought, the worst cold I'd ever had, one which I'd been hit with so quickly I hardly saw it coming. I had even asked a dear friend for her cold remedy stew recipe so I could catch the cold on its heals before it could do any damage, but I was too late.

I never went to the doctor, but I'm certain I had the flu. The real-people-get-vaccinated for this flu. I've never had it before and I've always had a vac since I have worked with people and in places in which an outbreak would be terrible. Day cares, hospitals, schools, retirement homes...

Today is my first day back to work and I just feel so...tired, slow, and ready for a long nap. So I'm listening to Harry Potter Book 1 and I love it so far. Work is slow for now and I hope it stays that way (which I NEVER hope for!).

Cheers to my new readers. Please come back again. I promise I write more exciting posts than this. More to come this week: birthday post (last Saturday), the orange dresser, Currently, and more.



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