Thursday, June 21, 2012


Making...myself pack. I hate hate HATE packing more than almost anything. And I hate moving. I want someone else to do all that fuss for me.

Listening to...Logan's laugh. Lately, he has been all giggles (when he's not demanding something or fussing from the two new molars poking through). His laugh stops me dead in my tracks. Totally intoxicating.

Craving...broccoli cheese soup in a bread bowl at Panera.

Laughing at...Zombieland. This movie tips into the lame category every so often, but I really love Woody Harelson. "Where are the twinkies?!"

Wanna link up? Harvesting Kale hosts this awesome, easy, and quick blog circus. Again, still not in the know with wordpress in adding buttons INTO posts so if anyone has some know-how, help. Please.


I'm working on a few different vacation posts. Bare with me while I get my family packed and ready to move next week. I'm still going to be vague about that so, hang tight.


Leave some Lovin!