Thursday, June 7, 2012


Reading...Giving Birth by Catherine Taylor. I've been reading it for awhile and am loving it.

Loving... how close I slept with Logan last night. He was having a rough time getting to bed, it was crazy-hot in our house and laying with him in bed was the only way to make him happy. Our first official full night of co-sleeping. Other than B vacating to the couch, it was a great night.

Eating...Paninis. I have two at work, one for today and one for tomorrow.

Drinking... Sweet tea.

Looking forward to...Duh! Our vacation next week! It is all I can think about. My mind has already checked out!

In other news...

There was an insane storm that missed us, but really hit towns south of us. Lots of rain and hail. Since it was so hot, I'm glad it didn't rain here! Rain=closed windows without AC.

Work has been a bit stressful. A few mistakes have been made, not intentionally, but I just hate when that happens! Even if I have nothing to do with it, the stress makes me feel somehow responsible.

I haven't had a run this week yet and I really don't care! I know...I will try to get one in tonight or tomorrow.

I found a new game on my phone called 100 Floors and it's rather addicting.

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