Saturday, June 23, 2012


I will do my best to retell this beautiful story, though my Aunt Dana is really the only person who can tell it perfectly.

Her family lives on the Bay, between the main land and the ocean. It's a beautiful location and after my grandfather died, she bought the house next door to her. A quaint, beach house became my grandmother's home. Sometime after she moved it, a white swan showed up, taking particular interest in the water just outside of both homes. She (or Dana??) half-heartedly said that was grandpa keep his eye on his girls. It made sense, as Dana had not really noticed the swan before.

Almost 4 years ago, my grandma passed away. This was a very hard, sad loss for our family. Everyone was so close to this amazing woman. Two years prior I had spent the summer with her, living in her home while I took care of my cousins during the day and the time we had was golden. The kind of experience most people don't get to have with a grandparent.

Shortly after she passed, two swans showed up. Did I just give you chills?? It gives me chills! And now, these two swans make almost a daily visit to say hello. They were so close to the boat ramp as I snapped these photos. There presence brought a feeling of peace, something which my grand parents were good at. And I just knew. I knew it was them. Checking in on all their grand children and handful of great grand children. Takes my breath away.

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