Wednesday, December 28, 2011

remember this


  • how Logan bangs on his door in the morning while saying "mama" & "milk" at the same time

  • how he climbs into bed with me and nuzzles his head into the crook of my arm as I cover us both up

  • how when I ask him to do his eyebrow trick he looks at me with the most beautiful smirk on his face and instantly bursts out in laughter at how talented he is

  • the way he gently wraps his hands around my head and looks me straight in the eye without saying anything

  • the way he  falls over in a fit of laughter from chasing the dogs around the house

  • how we read Where the Wild Things Are and how he points out Max, the dog and the moon on every page and shouts "No!" when Max does

  • the way he giggles in his time out chair and says "hi!" over and over, hoping to flirt his way out of time out

  • the way I can convince him that a cracker is a cookie

  • how big his heart is for me, always giving love and hugs

  • how much he loves his daddy

  • how he throws well with both hands

  • how he climbs up my legs so I'll hold him

  • the way he counts with me (I say one, he says two, and we both say three)

  • how he loves playing peek-a-boo and hide-n-seek

  • when I rock him before a nap and he reaches up to my face and names all the parts

  • how entranced he is with lights, any light, inside or outside, he's always pointing and saying "light on"

  • the way he says "love you" (la wou)

  • when he's sick and only wants me to comfort him

  • the way he smells after a bath


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