Saturday, March 13, 2010

>A Touchy Subject: Sex Before Marriage

I am pretty miffed right now and here is why:

I really hate finding out that people that I thought were very faithful to God and their beliefs were pregnant when they got married. We all make mistakes, I totally get that, and I'm certainly no exception. It just breaks my heart a little.

AHHH! Seriously?! This is a "friends" FB status tonight and it got under my skin. Here are my thoughts. Take it or leave it. Even if you agree with her, fine. But here is my piece of mind.

I wrote a post over a year ago about sex. B and I are lucky that we were able to get married and enjoy 9 months all alone before we got pregnant. And I say WE because I did not do this all by myself! ;) I would be lying if I said we did not have a scare here or there and that I realllllly did not want to get pregnant before we got married. But DUH, Sarah! If you have sex you could get prego! Regardless, we made efforts to ensure that would not happen and it didn't until we were ready. All this to say, we did not wait to have sex before we got married. Big whoop.

When I was 15, I distinctly remember telling my mom that I did not want to get married but that I was going to have children. She looked at me funny, knowing full well that I was a spiritual person, I knew what God commanded, but I was not convicted to wait. HOWEVER, I was VERY convicted to wait until I was ready. I had a solid boyfriend in college for a little over a year and he was my first. No regrets. After our relationship ended, I had several opportunities to hop in the sack but chose not to. I remember one experience with a guy who asked if I had a condom and I lied and said I didn't. I am so glad I was picky enough to not sleep with everyone I was given the chance to.

In all those years through college and relationships prior to B, my faith never wavered. My convictions never changed. In fact, my faith and walk with Jesus only grew. He knows I'm a sinner and I have repented. I have nothing to feel guilty for. I did make a pact with myself just after I started dating B that I would not sleep with him until I knew for sure we would get married. I know that might sound risky but I have some damn good intuition (one of my gifts, thankyouverymuch) and when he told me almost 3 years ago on St. Patty's Day that he loved me, I knew I would marry him. It was still a good month or so before we made that jump. And STILL, I love Jesus and fully believe what he did for us and THANK him for dying for my sins. I'm human. I guess what really bothers be about that status from this particular person is that she is one of those Christians (oh look, now I might be judging her...oops) who has a "holier than thou" type attitude. She is quick to judge anyone who might make a "mistake" that she disagrees with and that is what makes me sad. I wrote back that all babies are blessings and that even though God gives us free will, he also blesses us with the little children of the world. Being a mother has be believing this even more so. When Logan is old enough to make his own choices we will try to guide him to make the best choice and will do our best as parents to not make him feel like a bad person if he does make mistakes, a mistake like getting some girl pregnant in high school (whoa! scary thought!!).

This mess above is just my way of voicing my opinion. I do not judge anyone. I may not agree, but I don't judge. I love everyone. And I love you all!


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