Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Sick Little Seal

No sooner did Logan recover from Roseola did he bring home a new bug. The lats four days he has been coughing almost uncontrollably. At 2am this morning I swept my miserable baby into my arms and held him while we sat on the toilet in the bathroom. I let the shower run as hot as it would go and we breathed in hot steam in hopes of giving him some relief. This was the first official night ever that Logan actually slept in bed with me. We got a solid 4 hours before he was awake and coughing again.

I had to work at noon and did not think twice about calling the doctor. Logan has had a cough for months now but this seemed different. I could just feel it. On my way to drop Logan off with his sitter Logan began coughing again and it was in that moment that I heard the bark. I must not have been paying attention before but it was clear as day now. Logan was barking like a baby seal, the kind of bark in a cough that other mamas and doctors warn you about. I was moments away from urgent care and without a second thought I made the turn, called B and my mom, and checked us in.

I told the receptionist that I *thought* it was just a cold but that he needed some kind of relief (something!) to ease the cough and give Logan's body a break. Surely it was nothing more than a cold.

An hour later we were discharged after two chest xrays to check for pneumonia and a prescription for a steroid. The diagnosis? Croup. As I was waiting for the doc to come check Logan out I received a text from his sitter, who is also his day care provider, telling me that "Oh by the way....there was a child in his class this week with croup." :::headdesk:::

I just want my baby to be healthy! His little immune system is getting rocked right now and I only pray that it is 10 times better than it was a week ago. So there, new mamas who are wondering what day care is like. You're kid will get sick. And not just cold-sick but sick-sick. It's exhausting, mentally, emotionally, physically and your patience will be tested more than it ever has before. I love being a mom. BUT taking care of a sick child who has no words yet is by far one of the hardest mom-things I have ever had to deal with. And I know I will be 10 times stronger because of it.

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