Thursday, May 26, 2011

the early bird gets the....wait...not here!

One of my biggest never-ending struggles has been becoming a morning person. Before Logan was placed in my arms I had no problem staying up very late and sleeping in all morning long. I have never been much to follow a personal schedule and have always been okay with just doing whatever. A baby not only changes the love you feel for someone or your daily priorities but it also, quite obviously, changes your sleep patterns.

I can confidently say that I am now a morning person and while it is still hard to get going in the mornings, I do enjoy watching the world wake up over a hot cup of coffee and Logan's high-pitched shrieks while he toddles around the house chasing after the cat.

But wait. It's not that easy, is it? It's never been easy and honestly, it still isn't. If it was not for work getting up with Logan at FIVE AM would/is certainly not easy. Even on the days when he goes to bed later he is still up around 5:30. I'm very thankful that he sleeps great through the night but those early morning wake ups are never easy to get used to.

Two mornings ago he woke up at 4:30am and that was it. He was not going back to sleep and wouldn't you know it he slept three and a half hours at daycare! I was wishing for a 3 hour nap too! Now, we have more new adjustments being at my parents house. All three of us plus our dogs are in our little room. Logan has been sleeping great on his crib mattress on the floor no problem EXCEPT when he wakes up super early like that. He knew we were in the room with him and was wide awake. Normally, we would have let him just talk himself back to sleep or play quietly in his room. Needless to say, this week has been rough with the move and all the changes. I am insanely tired!

If you happen to room in with your toddler, please send along your wisdom on how to get him back to sleep. I will pay you in brownies. Yum. :)

Have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend!


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