Friday, September 14, 2012



It's been a few weeks since I've been able to do this and of course I'm a day late. I had a light day yesterday with classes but the last thing I wanted to do was read or write. This has been a very exhausting week. I cannot get enough sleep. Thankfully, tomorrow is my morning to sleep in. Do you and your hus trade days for getting extra sleep? We do and we look forward to it so much! So yeah, every two weeks I get to sleep in for ONE DAY! It's something nice to look forward to. Carry on...

Wishing... I had better nail-painting skills. I seriously suck at it as there is hardly a hair of girly-girl in my bones. I beat my hands up pretty good during the day and my nails are no exception so when I get a fancy fun new color to try out, it lasts all of 3 hours before there are nicks and scratches. Ugh. much! Let's see...pregnancy & lactation nutrition, phych stuff, and Child of Mine, a book on feeding yourself, family and children healthy things. I'm also listening to Matched.! It was the only thing this week that was not on the menu. My sister-wife, aka cousin, is gone for a few days and her cooking is amazing! So we ordered pizza last night and it was delish!

Missing...alone time. We take it for granted. I have seven people under our roof right now and while it is fun and amazing that Logan has more playmates, I have not had one quiet moment to myself. Even at night, Logan has been having issues going to bed so he has been falling asleep with me and he talks my ear off until he does so.

Anticipating... a crazy weekend with four awesome kids.

And as I've been typing this out, a newborn has been interrupting my thoughts with minute-old cries. What an incredible sound!

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