Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dear Logan

You are THE coolest kid I know. Seriously, you rock my world. You make getting up every day worth the lack of sleep I had the night before. You are that awesome and I never thought for a second you'd be anything less. I love you so much.

So you're nearly two and a half years old. In the last six months, your vocab has exploded. I mean, you talk all the time and listening to you have conversations with us, the dogs and even yourself is the most entertaining thing you do right now. You try so hard to thread more than three words together to complete that very complicated sentence in your head. You're determined. You're strong and dead-set on whatever it is you want or need at that very moment. You push your limits and all our buttons all at the same time, all while running around in every which direction and changing your mind again and again. You're that fun. And sometimes challenging. But let me tell have taught your daddy and me so much. Being your mom is the best and hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I know, without a doubt, that God knew that you were perfect for me. For your daddy and me. God knew that you would love us, challenge us and make us laugh, smile and cry. Every ounce of life that comes out of you makes me a stronger mother, a better mother and hopefully a better wife to your daddy too.

Lately, you have loved house hunting with us. We tell you we're going to look at houses and you talk about "houses" all night long. Even while I'm rocking you to sleep you'll lift your head up and say it with a questioning tone in your voice. I sweetly tell you that no, we're not going to look for houses and that it's bed time. It is that kind of joy which makes loving you that much easier. I laugh when you say what seems like such a silly thing and yet it is the most important thought in your mind.

Speaking of rocking, we rock almost every night. You grab your blankie or Elmo and nuzzle your head under my chin. I'm telling you, son, if there is anything I will miss about this time in your life, THIS is it. I will miss this when you're tired of it, or too big, which ever comes first, which I will always remember and cherish with you.

Baths. Child, I have no idea why you have decided, nearly two months ago now, that baths are evil and may as well be the worst thing in the world. We're lucky if we get you washed down twice a week and now that it is summer time and you're outside all day long, more baths would be better. We know that this must be one of many phases you will go through in life and we accept that you'll just have to be the smelly kid for now. :)

Logan, I want you to know that this time in your life has been so fun. Watching you learn and grow into a person, shedding your baby and even your toddlerhood, has been such a joy and we know it will only get better. We love you and we're always here for you.


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