It has been almost a year (WHAT?!) since I started working in a hospital. I never imagined how much I would enjoy working in a hospital and what it would mean for me career-wise. My future is here, in the hospital, and for now working in admin is just fine. I have received 2 promotions and now have my very own office, something which I never could have thought possible after less than a year. I feel so blessed and privileged to work with an incredible team and interact with patients everyday. It's amazing. So there is my little "day in the life" at work.
730am: Clock in, grab admit phone and let the birthing center (BC) know I've arrived. Get settled in office and scurry over to BC to admit inductions (usually 2 a day).
8am: Print census for women's care (postpartum), nicu, and peds. Check printer for today's discharges and collect discharge info for each patient on their account.
9am-12pm: Finish any discharges, visit patients, coo over newborns, collect money, log it, and answer phone for pre-admits, direct admits and anything else!
12pm: Lunch, usually a turkey diablo Panini. It's delish!
12:35-4pm: Back to the office, back to waiting for calls, scan docs, pre inductions for next day, check email, read blogs, stock office supplies, take a walk...
4pm: Time to go home! Leave phone with admit office, check mail box, say goodbye and dash over to pick Logan up from daycare.
Then I don't think about work the rest of the night! That is, of course, unless I have a great story. Like this morning, I walked in the door and a mama was ready to push! She was 9cm and within an hour had her baby. Thankfully, in the room and not in the front entrance. ;)
Sometimes, days are pretty slow with few phone calls and on those days I do my best to busy myself with whatever I can (or write a blog). Other days, I feel out of breath from all the running around I do between admits and discharges. The worst part of my job is asking for money, but hey, you knew for the last 9 months it was coming! So I'm kind of immune to it now. Patients rarely ever get upset with me, which is nice. The worst (yes, worse that money!) is when I discharge a mama with a nicu baby. It breaks my heart. Sometimes I cry with her a little as I TOTALLY know how she's feeling. Five days a week and then I get my weekends with my family! Could not as for a better job!
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