Saturday, February 6, 2010

>a new layout does not put one into labor

Only early in the morning do I feel like "today might be the day". I had some contractions that woke me up, had my "bloody show", and a crazy amount of discharge all day. But the contractions stopped. Mid-afternoon I had some sharp pains in my low back and stomach, but they were not consistent with tummy tightening. We went to the mall to walk around, had some ice cream, traded in some PS3 games so B could get a new one he wanted and now I am achy from the walking having a Weeds marathon with B and not having any contractions. BOO!

Five days overdue folks. I have been pregnant longer than just about everyone I know, aside from Heidi. We are *maybe* going to be getting snow tomorrow so maybe a drop in pressure and temps will help??? Because I mean, nothing else has worked. But I know it is going to be soon. It has to be.

Oh and how do you like my new layout?? I have not yet figured out how to get the tabs on the side to work (the ones that say "about us" and "contact"). But I have serious time to kill so why not revamp?


Leave some Lovin!