Thursday, September 22, 2011

On Rearfacing

Logan is 19th months old now and if you asked me seven months ago if Logan would still be rear-facing in his car seat I don't think I'd be able to say yes. Logan was barely 20 pounds at 1 year so we knew that he would still be rear-facing for awhile and after hearing of the recommendation to keep your child rear-facing for as long as possible I just told myself and talked to B that we would do it as long as possible, whether he was 13 months or 2 years old.

The weight limit is 32 pounds for rear-facing in our My Ride 65 car seat. We LOVE this car seat. It fits perfectly in our car and Logan always seems comfortable. The kid is tall. He is 34 inches now and still under the 1 inch minimum for the height restrictions, which he will be for awhile.

Anyway, I'm writing about this because it just dawned on me today how normal this feels. How turning him around anytime soon sounds so odd to me. I'm not here to judge or critique anyone else. This is just how we feel. Logan is still at/or below 10% in his weight category barely topping 23 pounds. Little peanut! This fact alone, and nothing else, is why we still rear-face. He is just too little to take on an impact, God forbid.

I've been working up in the birthing center of our hospital a lot lately. I love it. Yesterday I was discharging a patient and had to wait for the car seat dude (yes, super official name) to finish his spiel on how to put the baby in the car seat, etc. The last thing he mentioned was that even if the baby is 1-year-old and 20 pounds that they should still rear-face, if nothing else than for safety, but also to get the most of the car seat.

Logan seems to have no beef with rear-facing. He loves going for car rides. He is getting to a point where he will need to start crossing his legs soon. Regardless, B nor I are comfortable with turning his seat around until he has reached the weight limit. And at the rate he's gaining, he could be 3!

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