Monday, January 20, 2014

a big break

I am realizing that I need to let go of several things in my life right now. I take on so much, not realizing that it's "too much" until I'm drowning. I have loved this space for keeping track of our life events and I'm sad to say that I may not keep track of Evelyn's milestones as well without a blog, but maybe that will just force me to use her baby book. I'm taking an indefinite break from the blog. I'm having a hard time coming here and forcing myself to write when writing should be enjoyable and it's not. I am too tired and have way too much going on. I admire ANYONE who can blog, work, take care of their family and go to school all at once! Anyway, you can follow me over on instagram: @midwife101

Until next time!


Friday, January 10, 2014

of new years, the flu and impatience

Wow. The last two weeks have been so incredibly rough, hence my disappearance around here. I am just getting over both the flu and bronchitis. Evelyn ended up with a cold and ear infection. Yeah, when we get sick, we go big. But now that I can sit upright for more than a few minutes, how about an update.

Looks like it's been almost a month since my last post. I'd like to say that I want to try to write more this year, but I say that every year and as any mama and blogger knows, writing has it's seasons. Here is a listy-loo with photos to sum up the last month.

I'm pretty sure we had the best Christmas tree on the block. Not only did B and Logan go cut it down on a -10* day, it was also adorned with about 12 strands of lights, thanks to the Christmas light king, our son, Logan. And no, that cold weather does not phase our child. He seriously is immune to cold.

I'll do a separate Christmas post once I get the photos from he good camera uploaded. :)

I tried to sell some headbands at a coffee shop...note to self: don't do that at a drive up coffee shop! No one came inside! But we had fun sitting by the fire. 

A fun 7 month comparison for ya:

We took the kids to see Santa at none other than a local brewery. Santa and beer? Yes please!

Gorgeous girl!

Just before Christmas I got a hair cut...first one since June!

Logan decided to wear daddy's glasses and scare us by how much he looks like his daddy!

Evelyn learned how to purse her lips on Christmas Day. I found that dress at the thrift store for $1 and I'm pretty sure it's a good 25-30 years old. Love me some vintage!

We celebrated Christmas with some extended family the weekend after Christmas and finally got this lovely photo of 4 generations!

A few days before New Years I found a lady in town who makes Baltic amber necklaces as it was very clear that Evelyn was having a horrid time with teething. In just a few short hours I had it in my hands and on my babe--I love how it looks and I can tell it helps!

These two love each other so much! I hope this never changes...

On New Year's Day, the day Evie and I were starting to get quite sick, B took Logan skating on a lake and the local newspaper was there to snap these awesome photos! It was his first time on the ice.

And lastly...we have been working on introducing foods to little miss. So far she seems to like just about anything. We are doing a mixture of baby led weaning and purees.

And why am I so dang impatient? Well...I'm still waiting to hear about a CNA position I applied for. I'm hoping to hear today, though that is not looking likely at the moment. So HOPEFULLY I hear early next week and not just hear, but GET it! Yes, please!!