Sunday, October 17, 2010

Days 5 & 6


(holding Logan for the 1st time)

(me and my broha)

Day 5: Sibling

I just have one. My lil broda J. This pic was taken on Christmas Eve 2005 just once day after he returned home from Iraq. To say I am proud of him is an understatement. To say that we are really close, however, is an overstatement. We have always had our ups and downs in our relationship and I would like to THANK HIM for helping me go into labor after a an argument.

We are 22 months apart and I don't know how my mother, or anyone for that matter, manages 2 under 2. It just exhausts me thinking about it. When we were really little, we were best buds. I protected him and we played legos together. We'd sneek downstairs to watch TV behind mom and dad's backs. When I was a teenager, we fought a lot. I was a whole head taller than him for a few years and now he towers over me and B at 6'5''.

He is a Marine, a police acadamy grad, a defense investigator and single. He's trying to stop smoking...something I am beyond proud of him for. He has a dog who has two different colored eyes. We get along great when the time between our visits is long. I do wish he would come over and play with Logan more, and I know he does too, but his job is very demanding and the times he can come play is usually after Logan is in bed for the night. He loves Logan so much. When I think about the time he spent in Iraq, I am so gratefull that he is here to share these moments with us. He is a great brother and the more he grows up the more we grow closer.

Day 6: A pic that Makes you Happy

(The first time I held Logan after he was whisked away to the NICU, nearly 12 hours after he was born.)

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