Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 Day Challenge: day 17

Day 17: Something I am Looking Forward To

Hey Heidi...check out THAT hanging preposition! Naughty Naughty!!


It seems that I am always looking forward to something. Once that something passes, there is no doubt something waiting to fill it's spot.

Taking the test. Wait. No. Being DONE with the test.
The holidays.
Dressing up as a cow tomorrow at work.
Seeing Logan take his first step.
Celebrating 4 years with B.
Buying a house.
Moving out of this dumpy apartment.
Sleep. Where ever did you go??

Just a few things. If you happened to pop over from Katie's Journey then THANKS!! Nice to see you here. How about a bribe? If you leave me a little lovin I'll leave you a little lovin. ;)

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Leave some Lovin!