Monday, November 8, 2010


I need some help, veteran mommas. My sweet boy is a fighter. Speficically, a sleep fighter. And it is all my fault. You see, a month ago when we went to Michigan, Logan had to fall asleep on me several times throughout our travels, something which he had never liked doing. He is a "lay me in my crib" kind of baby. He puts himself to sleep. Who wouldn't want that?

It only took a few times and my little boy learned to love laying his sweet head on my chest while my heart beat and steady breathing lulled him to sleep. Honestly, I loved it. I love how close it has brought us. THEN a week or so after that he began to teethe and I caved and rocked him to sleep just about every night and even for naps. THEN he got a cold. And now I am exhausted. Logan is sending me the message he needs me to rock him to sleep, when really, I know better. He just wants me to rock him. Know how I know?


This makes me happy and sad all at once. I love that he is wanting to spend more time with me. But I hate that his sitter is having no trouble with it. Weird, I know. My rational about his sitter and the whole being a working mom thing is so bitter and nasty now. There is no compromise. I fucking hate it. Yep. I said that.

So now what do I do? Sometimes he is fine, sometimes he needs to be rocked. I hate the habit this has caused, but love the bonding that is growing between us. Ugh. What to do...

Anyway, a small vent.

**Stay tuned for something REALLY FUN coming up next week.**

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