Monday, March 1, 2010

>Something Special


I have had such an off day. Since late last night when it was very clear that Logan decided sleep was sooo yesterday and we would be having not just a midnight snack but a 1 and 2 am snack, this mamma was beat! All I kept thinking about was how tired I was and I badly I needed sleep. My brain physically hurt, if that is even possible. B started to feel crapy so I wanted to let him sleep rather than take one of the night feedings he usually does so it was all me. I just kept thinking I needed a break and that filtered into today, until a few short hours ago. I am sure those thoughts are totally normal, but I do feel guilty for thinking them. Logan is the purest joy I have ever had in this world and everything about him is perfect, even when he is waking me up every other hour to eat. I have been so confused as to why he sleeps so soundly during the day and at night he is a fussy dude. I did play around with the idea that he has his nights and days mixed up, which he might, but if he does it is not that bad. He has been awake for longer periods of time during the day and it's so fun! All that to say, that even though I feel like I already need a break, nothing can take me away from my boy, even the deepest exhaustion I have ever experienced in my life. Logan is more than worth it.

So, what's so SPECIAL about this post? Wellllllll it is my

300th POST!!

Wow, really? I am so excited to celebrate that!

Also, after trying for several nights over the last 3 weeks, I have finally be able to put my wedding ring back on!! It's a bit snug, but it fits and I am so proud to be sporting it again! This small symbol of love for my husband is not small at all and to be wearing it again makes me love B more!!

It's also a special day that my wee one is 3 weeks old today! I can't believe he has been in this world for 3 weeks already and with us at home for just over quickly that time is going by! I am truly loving every minute, even when I am having thoughts as I said above. It is hard to describe how those feelings can all live happily together, but they do. The only thing I am truly hating is EVERY EFFING NURSING BRA/TANK I OWN!! Nothing is fitting me right! There is either not enough support, or it's too tight. Too tight could affect my supply and not enough support will give me saggy sistas. Not fun! I even bought a new bra today hoping it would be better, but it's not. Grrr


Leave some Lovin!